The Symbol of the Sufi Order
The Spirit of Guidance Healing Center
Classes, Events, and News

Please check back often for updates and schedule changes.

Dear students of the Sufi path of spiritual unfoldment,

The Spirit of Guidance Center classes are resuming on May 6th.

Classes will be held at 1912 Sidewinder Dr., Suite 201 in Park City, from 6:00pm–7pm every Monday.

First and Second Mondays will focus on Healing practices. Third and Fourth Mondays will focus on the Sufi esoteric teachings.

I would love to hear what topics are alive or pressing for you so that we can structure one or more classes drawing from the immense wealth of Sufi teachings. click/tap here to phone me at 435.659.0761 or click/tap here to send me an email.

I will continue sending-out information on classes being given by other Sufi teachers as I receive the information. For those of you who like wazifa, I recommend the classes taught by Muqit Sachs on Monday nights, and those of you who long for zikr practice I recommend the classes presented by Hafizullāh on Tuesday nights. There are exquisite Sunday teachings on a variety of subjects presented by the head of the Inayati Order, Pir Zia Inayat Khan. You will find the Zoom links below.

I am available by appointment to offer spiritual guidance by phone or FaceTime to anyone.

May you be well, may you be happy, may you be peaceful.
May the star of the Divine Light be reflected in your heart.

All love,

Here are some online resources:

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, head of the Inayati Order, gives weekly classes on Sunday, 3:00pm–4:30pm Eastern Time.

Our dear friend Muqit in Albuquerque, gives classes every Monday, 7pm–9pm:
Select “join meeting”
Meeting ID: 646 720 743
Password: 080510

Hafizullāh is a dear friend and a Sufi murshid and lineage-holder living in Seattle.
His classes are weekly on Tuesdays, 7:30pm–9pm Pacific Time.
Meeting ID: 850 3523 7505
Password: Fatta#99

Please contact Siraj Paletta at 435.659.0761 if you have any questions, or click here to send me an email.

If you wish to be added to our email list (and we will not give your address to anyone else),
click here.
